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David The Wife Stealer

David and Bathsheba are one of the most popular Bible stories told in the secular media. It reads like a soap opera but many of these movies leave out some of the most important parts of the story. Not here… Read More »David The Wife Stealer

The Plagues Of Egypt

The gods; Ray, Geb, Heqet, Hathor, and Pharaoh who are all gods of Egypt, whom you will hear mentioned in Hollywood films. In our story today the God of the Hebrews stands against them, all of them. In this timeless… Read More »The Plagues Of Egypt

The Call Of Moses

Moses was born at a time when the Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved the Hebrew people and used them to build his cities. Yet, the Egyptians seem to have a disdain for the Hebrew people. God had a plan for Moses’… Read More »The Call Of Moses

David On The Run

David was King Saul’s son-in-law and even sat at the king’s table for meals but King Saul wanted him dead. This is the story of how David ended up living in the wilderness and living among the enemies of Israel.… Read More »David On The Run

David The Anointed

David is called “A Man After God’s Own Heart.” David The Anointed is a series of stories from King David’s life. It features giants, maidens of the King, place intrigue, and a plot to kill the King’s son-in-law. You do… Read More »David The Anointed

Peter In Acts

Peter is one of Jesus’ closest disciples who, at the end of the Gospel of John, was asked by Jesus to feed his sheep. In the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit transforms his life as he becomes one of… Read More »Peter In Acts

Joseph Rachel’s Boy

The story of Joseph is a well-known story in the Bible with a famous stage play based on his coat of many colors that his father gave him for a 17th birthday present. My crafted Bible Story series focuses on… Read More »Joseph Rachel’s Boy

Paul’s Last Journey

Paul has traveled to many places in the Book of Acts. His travels are broken down into three missionary journeys. My story is about that last missionary journey Paul took and not just his last journey to see the world… Read More »Paul’s Last Journey

Jesus’ Final Week

As you walk through the Gospels of Scripture, you will observe there is a lot of detail from the last week of Jesus’ ministry as he walked the earth. He took a long journey that eventually led him to the… Read More »Jesus’ Final Week